Today's review grew out of two different things that have been kicking around in my head recently. First of all, Paola Reina added new joints to some of their Las Amigas dolls and, as you can imagine, I got really excited about this development. As soon as I heard the news, I purchased a beautiful-looking redheaded Las Amigas doll with the new articulation. However, I ended up being disappointed by that doll, so I did a quick review on Patreon and then sold her. The upside is that in the process of researching that doll, I discovered about six other traditional Las Amigas girls that I love! I bought two of those six, and they'll appear in this post.
The second thing that happened was that my friend Arin drew my attention to a collection of Las Amigas lookalikes that are being sold on Amazon. For some reason I'm always fascinated by knockoffs, even though I should probably be offended by them. I was eager to see what these imposters look like up close, and so I purchased one...and then purchased another authentic Las Amigas doll who I thought would offer a good comparison. Both of these girls will appear in this review, too.
I've written about Paola Reina dolls many times before (including a review of a Ruth Treffeisen doll who is equivalent to a Las Amigas), but I couldn't resist the chance to revisit this charming brand. And there's even more going on in the Paola Reina world than I have time or resources to write about today. For example, there are now 8-inch Mini Amigas that are completely adorable and will have to make an appearance here at some point in the future, and also a lot of boy characters who melt my heart. For now, though, let's start with this standard-size Las Amigas girl, Dasha, and her gorgeously freckled face:
Las Amigas Dasha by Paola Reina, $71.