Saturday, January 7, 2023

Bratz Mowalola Felicia by MGA Entertainment

Happy New Year!  I've spent the last week or two reflecting on my year and trying to decide how to get 2023 off to a good start.  One thing that kept popping into my mind is how surprised I was to see Bratz dolls on the shelves back in 2021 when I first re-started the blog.  The Anniversary collection was on display at Target the first time I went there for a research mission, and I remember being really surprised to see those familiar faces!  It was like going back in time.

I wasn't too excited about the dolls I saw on that particular shopping expedition, but many of the releases since then have been real head-turners.  Bratz has done several artist collaborations in the past year, including small collections with designer brands like GCDS, JimmyPaul, Cult Gaia, and Mowalola.  I find these dolls especially exciting because they're basically guaranteed to offer something new and fun.

I don't have much of a track record for reviewing Bratz dolls (I've only written two reviews and hosted one guest overview), but because history gave me a chance to remedy this shortcoming, I decided to jump into the Bratz world with both feet this year.  I want to see what this iconic brand has to offer these days (and perhaps take a look at some older releases, too).  I'll start things off with this colorful girl, Felicia, who is one of the Bratz and Mowalola collaboration dolls:

Bratz Mowalola Felicia, by MGA Entertainment, $60.99.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Santoro London's Gorjuss Dolls by Paola Reina

This time of year is all about being with family and friends...and exchanging gifts, of course!  In the spirit of the season, I wanted to take a moment to showcase a beautiful gift that I received last summer.

It's very rare for me to get a doll as a gift.  That may sound strange since everyone knows I love dolls and all of my family and friends are supportive of that fact.  But, let's face it, it's pretty intimidating to buy a doll for somebody like me.  First of all, not even my husband would be able to guess what kind of doll I might want at any given moment.  But more obviously, I spend all of my time critiquing dolls!  I mean, I love most of them, but I also look at them with a critical eye.  And nobody wants to have their gift choice criticized, for goodness sake.  

But the friend who sent this doll to me not only knows the doll world really well, but also somehow knows what dolls I'm coveting!  So there will be no criticisms today.  Just a celebration of this wonderful friend (you know who you are), her incredible generosity, and the Gorjuss doll that she gave to me:

Gorjuss doll, "I Love You Little Rabbit."

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Sunday Surprise: A Cabbage Patch Christmas!

Merry Christmas!  I couldn't resist the urge to post another Sunday Surprise on this particular day, which tends to be full of its own fun surprises.  I'm sure there are fun things in store at my house, but right now the only surprise I've gotten is that my youngest's flight from the West Coast got delayed and delayed...and then canceled.  The cold weather is certainly bungling things up for people all over the country.  I hope all of you are safe and warm and have gotten where you need to go.  If not, maybe you need a few little surprises to hold you over.

As you might remember, I love Cabbage Patch Kid dolls, mostly because they tend to come with surprise names.  These hidden names have tantalized me since I was a little kid.  I don't know what it is about a mystery name that I find so appealing--maybe it's just that I love names and I love surprises, so putting the two together is double the fun?  

In any case, one of my Patreon friends knows how much I enjoy Cabbage Patch Kids and their names, so she wrote to me in September to alert me to the fact that there are some newly-released Newborn Surprise babies available, and these have mystery names--and also mystery eye colors!

Cabbage Patch Kid Tiny Newborn Surprise by Jazwares, $24.99.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Surprise: Penny's Box Natural Wonderland Antu Dolls!

Twitter is a bit of a disaster these days, so I hate to even mention it here on the blog, but I kind-of have to for this post, because without Twitter, I never would have known about the dolls I'm featuring.  I should mention, though, for anyone who is fleeing the Twitter chaos, that I've started an account at Mastodon.  I'll put everything that I post on Twitter on Mastadon, too.  Here's the link, which you can also find over on the right side bar -->

I joined Twitter so that I'd have a way to announce when I'd written a new review, and it's worked fine for that, but after following a bunch of people, I realize that it's also a great platform for learning about new dolls and appreciating talented artists.  In fact, it's maybe too good of a platform for learning about new dolls.  I feel like every time I log in these days, I end up buying something.  

Today's review was inspired by a Twitter friend from New Zealand, surprise-yawns, who introduced me to Penny's Box and their whole range of adorable blind box BJD-style dolls.  I find it mind-blowing that you can get a fully-articulated, adorable little elastic-strung doll in a blind box format...for about twenty bucks.  Sounds too good to be true, right?  Let's find out.

Box photo from Penny's Box Natural Wonderland Antu, $22.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Savage Baby Rubber Joint Dolls by Monst

This post is a good example of how it can take me almost a year to complete a doll review.  Way back in March, in the comments section of the Nendoroid Little Red Riding Hood review, Breanne suggested that I look at Monst dolls.  I knew nothing about this brand, but because of the name, I assumed that the dolls had something to do with Monsters.  That assumption was way off.  In fact, they are adorable, highly articulated child dolls from China.

A few days after reading Breanne's suggestion, I purchased two Monst dolls.  They can be found at AliExpress, and cost between $30 and $50, depending on the character and the vendor.  My dolls arrived within a week or two...and then sat around for a few months while I was busy with other things.  In October, I thought I was ready to write the review, so I de-boxed the dolls and took some photos of them...and then realized I wanted to add one more doll to my analysis.  So I ordered that doll and waited for her to arrive, and then took some more pictures.  Finally, today, I have all of the dolls and photos I need, and I'm ready to share these cuties with you.  Thank you for the suggestion, Breanne!  I had a very good time with this review.

Monst doll, $30.99 without shoes.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini Dolls by MGA Entertainment

Well!  This has been an interesting few weeks.  Unfortunately, when life gets interesting around here, there are longer breaks between posts--sorry.  The biggest thing that happened was that I had to move my youngest to the opposite coast (I'm trying not to take it personally that Washington is about the farthest you can get from New Jersey while still being in the same country).  That was both physically and emotionally exhausting, as you might imagine.  But then when I got home, I was so tired that my brain stopped functioning and I managed to get conned by an online scam (the kind of thing I thought I'd never in a million years fall for), and so I had to cancel all of my credit cards, shut down PayPal, and do ten other things that I don't even remember.  All I can say is that if anyone tells you to download software onto your computer in order to fix a PayPal problem (or any other problem)...don't do it.  Duh.  Big mistake.

What wasn't a big mistake was deciding to investigate a new mini doll that I found during one of my random online searches about a month ago.  The dolls are from MGA Entertainment's Dream Ella line and are called Extra Iconic Minis.  Despite the fact that MGA dolls take up about 20% of the toy aisle space at stores like my local Target, I have yet to see the Iconic Minis anywhere in person--only online.  But they've only been out since October.

I've been meaning to review Mattel's new Barbie Extra mini dolls, and so my grand plan here is to look at the Iconic Minis today, and then compare them to Mattel's minis in a future review.  I love mini dolls, so I'm pretty excited about this little series!

Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini doll by MGA Entertainment, $14.99.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

FailFix Dolls by Moose Toys

You know how it is when you're looking at a doll on Amazon and then the search formula suggests six more things you might like?  And then you click on those things and get even more suggestions?  I follow these suggestion chains all of the time, and for me, they tend to devolve quickly into the weeds of knockoff dolls, huge outfit sets, or things I've already bought.  However, the other day a FailFix doll popped up as a suggestion, and her outlandish face and hair stopped me in my tracks.  I quickly pulled up all of the FailFix dolls I could find.  The characters look hilariously stressed out, and have all of their accessories tangled up in their hair.  The faces made me laugh out loud, and pretty much without exception, any doll who can make me laugh is going to end up in my shopping cart.

The idea behind this line is that you can fix the doll's "failed" hair and makeup to make them look better.  The chaotic hair can be untangled and brushed, and the stressed-out face plate can be removed to reveal a calmer visage.  The makeover element would have been more than enough to tempt me (I love a good makeover!), but what's even better is that the FailFix girls are essentially surprise dolls--with one of their actual faces being the mystery!  I don't think I've ever bought a doll without knowing what their face looks like.

Because of the surprise element, I probably should have waited and published this as a Sunday Surprise post, but I got impatient.  Really impatient.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I was so excited to get a doll out of her box!  I needed to see what was behind that silly face:

FailFix SlayItDJ by Moose Toys, $19.99.